The California Office of Traffic Safety is reminding motorists and cyclists to use caution and stay alert as part of their campaign to raise awareness about accident prevention during National Bicycle Safety Month.
While bicycle accident deaths in California have not seen an increase in the last two years, the number of injuries reported by cyclists who are involved in an accident has risen 4.6 percent. Among children aged 15, both deaths and injuries have steadily declined, which may be attributed to California's mandatory helmet law for riders under the age of 18. This is encouraging news, especially considering that bicycles are associated with a higher number of childhood injuries than any other type of consumer product, excluding cars. On average, fatal bicycle accidents involving children increase by as much as 45% during the summer months.
During Bike Safety Month, the Office of Traffic Safety works together with other state departments, local agencies and bicycle safety advocacy gropus to develop a campaign to help promote bicycle safety and awareness among cyclists and motorists. As part of their efforts to encourage bicycle safety, the OTS offers the following tips to help riders and drivers avoid an accident while traveling California roadways.
Observing Helmet Safety Rules
- While adults over the age of 18 are not required to wear a bicycle helmet in California, the OTS encourages parents to set a good example for their children by wearing a DOT-approved helmet when bicycling.
- When choosing a helmet for your child, it's important to find one that fits and that meets approved safety standards. The helmet should sit level on top of the head and not rock side to side or front to back. The straps should buckle and fit snugly but not too tightly.
Choosing the Right Bicycle
- When selecting a bicycle for yourself or your child, it's important to ensure that the bicycle fits your frame and is appropriate for the type of riding you plan to do.
- When choosing a bike for your child, you need to make sure that you get one that fits the size they are now, not one that they can "grow into". The child's feet should be able to touch the ground when sitting on the bike.
- You should also check to make sure that the bike is in good working order, that reflectors are present and intact and that the brakes, tires and chain don't show signs of wear that could lead to a problem.
Riding Safety Tips
- Adult riders need to be aware of what the laws of traffic are and how to follow them. It's important that you stay alert, be aware of your surroundings and make yourself as visible as possible to other drivers.
- Don't wear headphones while riding and avoid bicycling while under the influence of drugs or alcohol.
Tips for Drivers
- Drives need to remember to share the road and allow bicyclists the same rights as they would any other vehicle. Drivers should avoid crowding cyclists and pay particular attention for riders at intersections.
If you or a loved one is injured as the result of a bicycle accident, it's important that you understand your legal rights. You should consider consulting a California bicycle accident attorney to determine whether you may be entitled to compensation for your medical bills, lost wages or pain and suffering as a result of your injuries.
Nadrich & Cohen, LLP specializes in representing bicycle accident victims and their families throughout Southern California. For more information on filing a bicycle accident lawsuit, call 1-800-718-4658 to begin your free initial case evaluation. There is never a fee unless damages are recovered on your behalf.